Live from the Apple Store Twelve Oaks...

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iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 1 2004 - 22:18
Posts: 629
Live from the Apple Store Twelve Oaks...

well, I finally made it out to take a look at this iPhone thing. It is very cool, but the display models are already super smudged. I don't mind, it's still sweet.

btw, this is being written on a mac mini, not an iPhone.

I tel you, it's just as much a party as I assume it was yesterday. Employees are cheering every time someone buys an iPhone. I wish they could do that when I buy something.

oh yeah, I brought along an faithful friend: my newton messagepad 2000. I walked up to one of the sales reps and said "I have a problem: my iPhone grew overnight, and now it won't fit in my pocket!" needless to say, I only got a few laughs from people who actually REMEMBER this thing.

I swear, these things are seperated at birth, actually I think the newton gave birth to the newton, and in the past 10 years, it still has not lost it's baby weight. But I amazed a few sales reps with how simmilar they are. The iPhone actually fits in the screen space of the newton!

anyways, more later, I don't want to get kicked out, so I need to log off.


-digital Wink

Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Joined: Aug 9 2004 - 19:39
Posts: 31
Come visit Somerset!

Bring that Newton to Somerset sometime and I'll meet ya there with my eMate!

I bought an iPhone friday night after the crowd died down and the thing is damn amazing! More info after I finish playing with it. Setup was very easy and painless but I'm already with AT&T/Cingular. The Verizon people had to wait 24 hours to switch their phone numbers. Cellular rules state that a carrier must give up a number but they can take up to 24 hours to do so. Want to bet they dragged their feet on purpose???


iamdigitalman's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 1 2004 - 22:18
Posts: 629
Oh, ive been to that one. Don

Oh, ive been to that one. Don't like it as much. Did'nt they just remodel or sommat? last time I was there, it was as small as a hallway. Plus I rememeber one of them being rude to me. Oh, and a friend of mine works at twelve oaks, and he's always nice to me when i'm there.

but sure, if you want to have a inpromtu Mewton Conference, we could.

-digital Wink

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