Hi all.
I have an SE/30, micron Xceed Color 30 and the original CRT board. But where did the internal wire-harness go? I have NO idea! So, if anybody knows of someone who makes them or have a spare (fat chance), I'm in the market!
PS. The reason the harness is gone, is due to the fact the Xceed and the CRT option has been bought separately - some 5 years apart, actually. Bought the CRT board 5 years ago, and the Xceed only a fortnight ago.
I have an Xceed setup that I've toyed with the idea of parting with, but I wouldn't separate the harness from the card or CRT board.
I can, however, give you information about the harness. I helped another 'Fritterer (in a minor way) make a grayscale adapter, and he had to clone the harness. The connectors are still made and the wiring isn't THAT terrible. I doubt if anyone has a spare harness, but fabbing up one isn't an impossible task.
Hi Mike.
It would be super, if you could help me out with the wiring diagram for the harness - I have a picture of one, but it's hard to see, where each wire goes (top or bottom of connector).
(see diagram http://www.eskimo.com/~dslarsen/Micron/diagram.JPG)
Of other interest to forums users; I have a complete set of technical drawings and documentation for the Xceed Color 30HR card. So indeed one might try and attempt to build a card from new, with these drawings and some patience. If anyone would like these, let me know and I'll fiddle with the scanner and post some .pdf-files.
Rob is indeed Bart's friend...
Hey Anders,
I have made a few grayscale cards along with the harness... check out my site at: http://micronxceed.googlepages.com. Email me if you would like some help with the project.
I would be interested in the docs you mentioned.
Hi, I've emailed you a couple of times on the email address stated on your page, requesting a quote on a harness. Perhaps we could swap? I'll share the drawing and documentation anyway, I just wondered if one favor is worth another.
I'm off to the States on Tuesday, but I can mail scans of the drawings and other documentation when I return, early November.
I got your message (was in my spam box), and will write you a reply.
You have indeed synced up with the gentleman I was referring to above. He did pretty work on the grayscale CRT board and harness. If I can help any further, let me know.