hey guys , I have an old Truster Hard Drive , think it's a 20 meg or so drive. There might be a problem with the card that connects in the II+ itself , cannot get it to bootup all the way , hopefully someone here knows a little bit about the hard drive , that can possibly give me some advice about how to fix it. it is very important , because there is a ton of data on this drive , from a well known apple person back in the day , one that ran two of southern california's best boards :O) so it is really important to try and get it running , so I can attempt to do a ADT transfer of the whole hard drive and preserve the data before its too late.
so if you guys can help , that would be great!
oooops! sorry about this , the hard drive is by DATAMAC and its a Truster 30 , so I would assume that it is a 30 meg hard drive....
if this helps any... when I do a pr# all I get is a red light , and I can kinda hear the hard drives whirling away , but still nothing yet .. I have cleaned the contacts of the controller card , which looks like a generic card , no visible trade marks on it , and I re-seated the chips in my IIE , everything is works awsome , except my hard drive :O(
so if you guys can help , that would be awsome.
see ya
I am not specifically versed in Apple hard drives but maybe I can add a little general help:
If you hear a repeating click from the actuator motor, it's not a good sign. Also, if you hear the speed/pitch of the drive warble quite a bit, the spindle motor is probably dying. If you have either of these conditions, you may want to consider a data recovery service. Ontrack Data Recovery Services does PC stuff. they may be able to help.
If you have the drive motor seize, a light tap in the center of the spindle motor MAY bring it back to life by unfreezing the spindle. That actually worked for me on an old Quantum SCSI drive. Just a light tap though.
Good luck.
The Trustor drives are similar to the Xebec Sider hard drives, employing the same SASI (not SCSI) interface. Searching the net for "Xebec" and "Sider" could give you more results, because that is the more popular brand.