Steve Jobs takes medical leave until June

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MaxTek's picture
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Steve Jobs takes medical leave until June

Sounds like the beginning of the end. Good luck Steve...hope all goes well.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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I wouldn't jump to conclusion

I wouldn't jump to conclusions about the end being near, for Steve or for Apple (whichever you meant), but it does bring to light Apple's Achilles heel--reliance on the perceived importance of one man's oversight. How many rock bands have maintained their glory after the leaving of their long time star singer? Apple's a pretty big band, though, with lots of talent. Who could succeed SJ when he goes into retirement?

MaxTek's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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I meant the end being near fo

I meant the end being near for Steve. As for Apple if Steve passes or leaves it would be a slow, slow death for Apple like Microsoft has been doing for years.

Steve is Apple and Apple is Steve. Yes there is a lot of talent at Apple but that talent takes the direction from what is in Steve's head.

First thing I was thinking was all the Apple products before Steve. Barely anything to get passionate about. And than all the products after Steve. I have been using Apple stuff since a job I had when we bought a brand new SE/30. Man, there was some junk after the all-in-one beige Macs.

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: I meant the end being near fo

I meant the end being near for Steve. As for Apple if Steve passes or leaves it would be a slow, slow death for Apple like Microsoft has been doing for years.

Steve is Apple and Apple is Steve. Yes there is a lot of talent at Apple but that talent takes the direction from what is in Steve's head.

First thing I was thinking was all the Apple products before Steve. Barely anything to get passionate about. And than all the products after Steve. I have been using Apple stuff since a job I had when we bought a brand new SE/30. Man, there was some junk after the all-in-one beige Macs.

You seem to be under the impression that every single product that Apple has introduced in the past 10 years has been Jobs' idea.

MaxTek's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
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Re: I meant the end being near fo

I meant the end being near for Steve. As for Apple if Steve passes or leaves it would be a slow, slow death for Apple like Microsoft has been doing for years.

Steve is Apple and Apple is Steve. Yes there is a lot of talent at Apple but that talent takes the direction from what is in Steve's head.

First thing I was thinking was all the Apple products before Steve. Barely anything to get passionate about. And than all the products after Steve. I have been using Apple stuff since a job I had when we bought a brand new SE/30. Man, there was some junk after the all-in-one beige Macs.

You seem to be under the impression that every single product that Apple has introduced in the past 10 years has been Jobs' idea.

No not my impression at all. What my impression is though is that when Steve was vacant Apple was majorly boring, just another tech company.

gsmcten's picture
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I Can't Help...

But remembering that there was a time when there were two Steve's in a garage soldering together circuit boards and Apple was a dream. Woz went his own way and Jobs stayed, but changed the company outlook.

Since that time there have been many changes within Apple; some good, some bad, but always interesting. What do you think would happen at Apple if Woz decided to come back?

Food for thought.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Re: I meant the end being near fo

First thing I was thinking was all the Apple products before Steve. Barely anything to get passionate about.

Four words:
Newton 2100 and emate Wink

Whether the prior management could have done anything useful with them, had the Newton line continued, is debatable.

littlejohn's picture
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Re: I Can't Help...

What do you think would happen at Apple if Woz decided to come back?

Literally, Dancing in the street.

Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Woz is past his prime, and so

Woz is past his prime, and so is Jobs. All Apple ever needed is somebody with direction to steer the company, they have always had creative people working there. If anything I would worry about there being no natural leaders at the company left under Jobs, so his leaving will cause problems (of his own making). Microsoft doesn't own the PC market because of charisma.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Re: Woz is past his prime, and so

Woz is past his prime, and so is Jobs

53 and 58 years old is "past prime"? I've got news for you, whippersnapper.

And get off my lawn.

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
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Past Thier Prime?

I'm with eeun.

Besides, give credit where it's due. Steve Jobs was the "Face" of Apple, but Woz was the "Soul". Jobs may have had a vision, but Woz was the one with the experience to make it happen.

Just my two cents worth. Smile

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