iMac DV SE Speaker woes

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Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 67
iMac DV SE Speaker woes

Don't mean to post in the wrong forum if this isn't where this belongs, but I recently picked up a DV SE and though it's worked great for me there's one thing that's got me confused; the speaker system.

When I got the machine the previous owner had loaded OSX on it and I popped in another 128 mb of ram to bring it up to 256, but no matter what I seem to do the internal Harmon Speakers wont output any sound. When I check the sound control in preferences it only gives me one choice, that of Headphones which I can't alter it seems. With that said the output jack on the side, the speakers, and one of the two headphone jacks cannot output sound, only one headphone jack works. I think it may have something to do with the former owner's security controls, but I'm uncertain. Any ideas? Thanks!

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Sounds like more of a hardware problem than a software one to me. I could be wrong, but it kinda sounds like the headphone jacks and speakers are just unplugged or something.

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Maybe it came from an office. At my dads work they remove all soundcards and cd-rom drives. They are very stingy!


Last seen: 19 years 5 months ago
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Imac DV no sound in the speakers

Hi I´m from Sweden and all over the world.....I have been looking for someone with the same problem I´ve got and now i have found your question and was hoping for a good explaination from someone. but...

Maybe you have found out what to do?! It´s funny though it is exactly the same problem. The left headphone socket works but not the other.. and the speakers are dead and the soundcontrol only leaves one option and that is headphones.

I would really appreciate if you could let me know if you have given it up...

hope to hear from you soon

Michael Wallmo, Sweden

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 67
I DO have the solution!

although I cannot speak with total certainty for your computer, here is what I discovered was the issue:

Apple in their design genius..placed the speakers to run out from the headphone jacks in the front. Now they've what I can describe as stalks that are jutting out of the front and they're Notorious for breaking off if the case is removed. unfortunately the stress point on the board they're soldered to is the section of Leads which separate from the board itself...I tried to repair it, but you need to get another board...there are places on the web to do that...However, if you don't mind getting external speakers, pick up an "imic" it'll work in place of the speakers... or you can do open heart surgery on the mac... hope that helps!

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