'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives

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'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives

** Got the attachments to work.. it was my IE11 not cooperating. Pictures are now attached.

Picked up the Apple II case w/mystery board that I bought on ebay. Apart from a musty smell and a little bit of corrosion here and there it looks pretty good. I found the CPU loose in the case.

The board appears to be totally custom. If I want to bring it to life again, I have to figure out where a few wires that appear to have broken off (between the video card and what I assume is a RAM board) go to. It's hard to tell if they are just 'spares' or if they broke from their solder points.

I figure when I eventually find a Rev 4 board for this case, I will take all the clone stuff out and put it in a clone case. I think it's worth saving given its age and the very homebrew nature of it. I hope I get to figure it out and see what it does!

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Re: 'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives

Hi, falter. In edit mode, you can scroll down to the bottom and click "File Attachments" to add photos. You just have to browse your computer and upload the pics you want; and then click "Attach". You can only upload pics to the first post.

speedyG's picture
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Re: 'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives

It´s useless to publish here a link to pictures in a restricted area !
Nearly nobody here will just register to view some pictures.....
If you want us to inspect a systems and give advice - publish pictures in public accessable area !

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Re: 'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives

Sorry I was having issues with my main computer.. but I've got it sorted out.. the pictures are attached here now.

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Re: 'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives

The second picture shows a SCART connector. Only a couple of LCD/TV in the US used them. They are both older Samsung ones. Over seas they may still may be in use in some LCDs.

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Re: 'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives

Yeah I understand the SCART standard was invented in France so I guess it makes sense he made one. I'm trying to see if I can date the chips to get a sense of how old this setup is.

I don’t know how I'd go about figuring out where the broken wires need to go.. Heh. I'm really interested to fire this up and see what it does.

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Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: 'Mystery meat' Apple II arrives


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