Press Release: Penguin Library Now Available on

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Press Release: Penguin Library Now Available on

15 January 2014

Dr. Kenneth Buchholz is pleased to announce the addition of a new product library dedicated to Penguin / Polarware Software for the Apple II series of computers on Working with Mark Pelczarski, founder & President of Penguin Software, the entire product line has been located, archived and made available on A2OL. Mark was able to provide non-copy protected versions of some of the earlier copy-protected offerings from Penguin, along with a never-released game (Poof!) which was the precursor for the Spy’s Demise.

In addition to the software library, we have also produced a high quality, searchable PDF of Mark’s book, Graphically Speaking. Mark was also able to provide disk listings of all of the program code appearing in the book, and it is now also available for download!

We have several of the boxes and inserts available in PDF format, and are searching missing titles so if you have any and are willing to contribute, please contact Ken.

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Re: Press Release: Penguin Library Now Available on ...

Thank You very much for doing this..

Another piece of Apple History will not be lost to the Ravages of Time.....


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