Hay all.
Does anyone know if it is possible to "adjust" radio scanners to increase the frequency range?
I have a Uniden UBC 248CLT with frequency range of 66mhz-512mhz. The model up from this has a 33mhz-800mhz and looks exactly the same as mine. The antenna I have supports a freq. range of 27mhz-1.3ghz.
I was thinking maybe something in the circuit board could be adjusted or even added to increase my range.
Does anyone know of any sites that have this sort of information?
Macintrash :ebc:
Some radios have some configuration resistors that you can move around to adjust their range. My roommate adjusted his Kenwood HAM radio to pick up the local police bands.
you can always change stuff by changing ressitors
I remember hearing in the keynote that Mitnick gave at HOPE 5 (Thanks BDub!) that he and one of his friends modified a Ham radio to overpower the McDonalds drive-through frequency and posed as the order-taker. Oh, the fun you could have going out-of-band!
Yer theres some adjustable resistors inside the scanner. Have no idea what they do though. Theres about 8...
Cant find anything on the net about the circuit layout or anything like that either. Maybe i should get a Ham radio then haha.
Thanx 4 every1's help but