WTB: Anything about Apple-1

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achimhb's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 4 2015 - 19:08
Posts: 102
WTB: Anything about Apple-1

I am looking for any Apple-1 manual or Apple-1 related artefacts. For example price list, ads, cassettes, bills, letters, business cards of 1976/1977, ZALTAIR sheet etc.

Yes, many collector try to get hands on it and yes I am familiar with the price range. Any offer welcome. Please write a PM to mail and we can talk about it. Gladly confidential.

A friend successfully got 2 Apple-1 manuals this year - unbelievable. Hopefully more owner think about selling it. And for this friend (not me) I try to find a Sanyo VM-4209 made in 75 or even better 76.


fingerz's picture
Last seen: 4 months 4 weeks ago
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Re: WTB: Anything about Apple-1

I’m surprised that your friend was able to buy two original manuals recently. My assumption is that there are more original Apple-1s out there than surviving original documents, but perhaps that is a bad assumption.

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Re: WTB: Anything about Apple-1

There were a bunch of doc sets that were sent to dealers to promote the Apple-1. So they do show up periodically, however they aren’t cheap as the people who have them know Apple-1 owners are looking to complete their collection.

BTW, I don’t think there are more surviving doc sets then Apple-1 boards which is why most don’t have documention anymore.


fingerz's picture
Last seen: 4 months 4 weeks ago
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Re: WTB: Anything about Apple-1

Everything associated with the Apple-1 can have almost any arbitrary value attached to it these days. It's hard enough justifying the valuations for the boards themselves, let alone things like manuals, price lists, etc.

achimhb's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 4 2015 - 19:08
Posts: 102
Re: WTB: Anything about Apple-1, even cash

Actually I am planning my trip to the USA. I will meet Apple-1 owner and already bought some Apple-1 documents. In summer I have to pick-up some artefacts in Asia.

If there is someone willing to negotiate about any Apple-1 collectibles, please contact me asap. Payment can be done by bank transfer, paypal or cash. Anything can be done highly confidential.
Any offer of other rare computer of the 70’s is welcome. I do not collect only Apple.

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