choppy mouse on IIgs and sound thick

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choppy mouse on IIgs and sound thick

Hi all,

Thank  you verry much for this great forum !


I bought an Apple IIgs as I wanted to try this machine that I never had the opportunity to see, and I found some great disk images here:

I have a CFFA (not the 3000, the model 2) too, therefore I can boot on those images without problem.


I have a problem that I can't understand with my mouse : When I make myself a clean install of GS/OS I have a super smooth mouse pointer, but when I boot on some games or on those pre-made images that I pointed, I have a very choppy mouse pointer. I use a regular ADB Macintosh mouse, as my IIgs didn't came with a mouse nor a keyboard.


Do you have any idea why I have this choppy mouse problem ?


Another cullprit I have is a regular thick in the internal loudspeaker, like a metronome. This happens everytime but when I have some disk activity. When a floppy disk or the CF card are accessed, then the thick sound disapear. Did you know this problem?


Thanks a lot :-)


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When you say 'loudspeaker',

When you say 'loudspeaker', do you mean the internal //gs speaker, or something external?


it sounds as if you are getting signal noise off of the drive motor, or a power regulation issue. 


As for the mouse, have you tried other mice? If it happens with multiple devices, then it is an ADB issue. It could be that the ADB connector solder joints are cold, and need to be reflowed. If you are passing the mouse through a keyboard, try using it without the keyboard, wired direct to the //gs and see if the problem persists. That will help narrow it down.

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Apr 12 2020 - 13:45
Posts: 30
Hi Timelord, thanks for your

Hi Timelord, thanks for your answer.


Yes, I mean the internal speaker. What's strange is that the noise goes away when the disc is accessed, and is there when I do nothing. And it's not a persistent noise, it's a tic, like a metronom, each 1.5 second.


For the mouse, yes I tried 3 different mouses (but all are Macintosh mouses, I don't have a real IIgs mouse) and I tried even directly on the ADB port of the IIgs. I don't think that this is a hardware problem of the IIgs, as I systematicaly have a smooth mouse when I boot my own installed GS/OS, and I have systematicaly a choppy mouse when I boot a game or a provided system Image. 

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Posts: 151
Common Issue with the IIgs Finder

The problem you described is fairly common with ROM01 machines when in the Finder. The reason for the "tick" is that the finder is continually polling the 3.5" floppy drive(s) to see if a disk has been inserted/changed (you should see a brief flash on the floppy drive as they are being polled).


From memory, some of the changes made to the ROM03 were to minimise noise in the sound subsystem, including the "tick" sound you are referring to. If you don't plan on using your 3.5" floppy drive(s) when inside the Finder, you can always go back the the IIgs control panel and set slot 5 to be "Your Card" - that way the floppy drives will not be polled and you won't get the "tick" sound.

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Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Apr 12 2020 - 13:45
Posts: 30
Hi, thanks for your answer.

Hi, thanks for your answer and for the tip !


 I confirm that it works (a power off and one was needed) :-)


One problem less (well, this wasn't a problem after all, only a user lack of knowledge).


Do you have any hint about the choppy mouse ? 





Last seen: 2 days 1 hour ago
Joined: Apr 13 2006 - 22:28
Posts: 151
Sorry, I can't really help

Sorry, I can't really help you with the choppy mouse - the fact that you say when you are in GSOS the mouse movement is smooth suggests that it probably isn't a hardware problem.


It maybe something specific to the game(s) you are playing? Maybe you could let us know which games in particular you're having problems in?

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