A question: Is it a good idea to the run audio signal from my sound card down the extra unused twisted pairs in a network cable also doing my LAN?
Will the sound quality be decent enough to be amiplfied at the other end? Will my network performance suffer?
Thoughts anyone? :macos:
I guess it depends on distance, go too far and youy might not be able to get a clean signal. I've run audio over an unused phone cable as a makeshift set up and I know that there are/were video over LAN systems so in principle it should work, in practice is another matter.
Thanks g3head. I guess I'll just try it and see. If it doesn't work, I can run a couple of shielded cables next to it. The distance is minimal (I shifted my desk, and I need to run the cable up inside the wall, across the room and back down in to the wiring closet).
- Michael "trouble at the mill" Fincham
edit: Duhhh.. I just re-read your posting and realized that what I said is totally irrelevent so ignore it but if anyone else has ideas of using cat 5 cable for connecting their stereo to their speakers, then read on:
Well remember one thing, that Cat 5 cable is really thin high numercial gauged wires (like 20-26 gauge) and won't be able to handle any amount of high wattage.
So if its used just for line level, then I would say it should be fine however if you are using it to connect an amp to high powered speakers in another room, then you just might be having way too much resistance due to how thin the wires are.