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Last seen: 2 years 2 months ago
Joined: Sep 13 2022 - 10:09
Posts: 3

Hello folks!  I am new to Apple II's.  My background is not in IT but I'm getting into it for the nostalgia.

I recently purchased a IIGS that I am working to get up and running.  Before I assemble all the pieces, I am trying to learn how to operate a IIGS using the emulator GS+.  Here's the difficulty I am having--I can't seem to get GS+ to boot Apple II software.  I can get it to boot IIGS software but I get an error whenver I try to startup from a known-good Apple II disk image.  I know these are good because they work in AppleWin.  I have tried slots 5, 6, and 7 and bust.  Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?





Last seen: 1 hour 42 min ago
Joined: Jun 29 2018 - 16:55
Posts: 594
Here is how would boot an 8

Here is how would boot an 8 bit disk image:


Use F4 to mount the disk image (sounds like you're doing this fine). The IIGS will only boot from the first disk in a slot, so S5D1 or S6D1 would work but S6D2 would not for example.


When I restart the emulator, if it doesn't boot properly, most likely you will have a "*" prompt (monitor) or "]" prompt (basic). 


If you are familiar with using PR#5 or PR#6 to boot a slot, that's really all you need to do. If you are at the monitor "*" prompt, type "E000R" to get to BASIC, and then PR#5 to boot Slot 5 disk 1. It should work for you. 



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