I have a bit of a mystery
I have a number of acard SCSI to ide adapters. I’ve used them with ide to CF and ide to SD adapters but mostly with ide to CF adapters. The last while I’ve been doing things with other kinds of storage and haven’t used them then I hooked one with a CF adapter up to a ramfast and got nothing. I figured that there was a problem and I’d look into it later and tried another CF and nothing. Again tried another acard adapter and still nothing. By nothing I mean the computer acts like there is no hard drive. Then I tried one with a ide to SD adapter and it worked. It seems that for some unknown reason all the acard SCSI to ide adapters will work with ide to SD adapters but not with ide to CF adapters.
I started doing some troubleshooting and ended up feeling stumped
I’ve tried different computers a IIgs and a IIe
Different SCSI cards, two ramfast and one Apple
Different SCSI cables
different terminators, regular and active
Different hard drive power supplies
Different designs of ide to CF adapters that do work with other computers
Different CFs that I’ve tested with other SCSI to CF hardware.
Different acard adapters
I could just use SD adapters but I really wish I knew why this was happening. I ordered a couple more ide to CF adapter as I can’t think of anything else to try
It's not something as trivial as the CF to IDE adapter requires 5V to be provided externally? I'm pretty certain this is required for some CF cards (I don't remember the specifics though).
I have power going to both the CF and SD adapters. In a couple of cases the setup was inside a SCSI case so there was no hardware change from when it was working with CF adapters