It had to happen after 40 years; the pin on the paddle connector broke off. And, it wasn't one of the "NC" pins; it was the +5 pin.
I've considered chopping the connector off and soldering the leads to a 16-pin DIP component connector. Or, if the leads are the right gauge, crimping them in a ribbon cable connector.
Any suggestions?
See Kobiconn 2P16-E
You can pick up this one from RS Components
(In Oz, RS are significantly cheaper on shipping, especially on small orders)
I needed it to repair a Language Card connector.
Thanks, Cheshirenoir and Robespierre, for identifying the part. I went to Mouser for the part. The $1.47 each price broke to $.847 each at ten units. And 2nd day UPS was $7.99. Other outfits want a lot more per unit, plus minimum orders of $20-$25. I just want everything to be functional when I pass it on. Thanks,
New to this forum, but have been following for a while.
I read your post and I found on mine that the connector block contains two resistors (570 ohm) for the fire buttons.
I managed to find a replacement connector circuit block on eBay
I don't know if that helps at all.