Hi everyone,
I'd like to show you a little basic programm I did.
It's based on the matrix theme and shows the "graphic capabilities" of the Apple 1 in basic!
On the video, it's running on my Apple 1 replica.
The programm can be download on my blog : http://applethefirst.blogspot.fr/
Thanks for watching,
One question... the lm323k on my board becomes very very hot... is that normal? I haven't put thermic paste, should I?
Yes you should put some thermal paste between the LM323K and the heat sink. And yes they do run pretty hot. Most of the screws on a real Apple-1 are heat cycled from the high heat and then cooling when turned off. You can see it in the colouring of the screw heads and the pattern as light hits it. Thats how you can tell its been used and the screws are original. The modern screws just don't heat cycle with the same look... Anyway... The heat that comes off the LM323k is enough I don't feel comfortable leaving a board on without a fan or a case designed to facilitate airflow (chimney effect) for long periods of time. I prefer a fan, I think Mike Willegal uses a case with holes over the heatsink to let the heat escape and not funnel back to the rest of the board.
Thanks Corey for your answer.
I'm reassure!
I don't have a case for that replica so I don't need a fan, but I put some thermal paste as you suggest.
Nice little demo. Love the monitor.