Hello! I have an issue that cropped up the other day that is perplexing me. I had been downloading cool demos from Ninjaforce to play on my Apple IIGS. It's a Rom1 running a Microdrive Turbo for GS/OS, 4mb GGlabs RAM, and Darksound sound card. I was booting directly from my FloppyEmu into the demos. Yesterday I tried to set things up again and the computer wouldn't find the FloppyEmu. I got "No device connected." I tried and I tried and nothing. I disconnected everything, removed the cards, and reset everything to default and still nothing. However, last night I was able to get a 5 1/4 inch floppy drive to work just fine. And the FloppyEmu works if I put it in 140k disk mode. What the heck!
I don't really know what's going on here. Any ideas? I checked the voltage on the battery and found that it was a little low so I am going to swap out the battery. Any ideas are appreciated.
Go to the IIGS control panel (the blue screen one, not the one from the Apple menu in GSOS) menu and make sure that your slot assignments are correct.
You should set slot 5 to "smartport".
You'll also notice (since 5.25" drives work correctly) that slot 6 is assigned to "disk port".
It may have inadvertently been changed to "your card" which would turn off the smartport.