Open Transport 1.3 installed cant get IP

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Open Transport 1.3 installed cant get IP

I installed Open transport 1.3, open the TCPIP control panel set to DHCP, 


I have a 10/100 switch, cable going from IIfx ethernet card to 10/100 switch and I have link light. Cable from 10/100 switch to my gigabit router and the 10/100 switch has a link light.


When I go into TCPIP control panel and get info, It shows the MAC of the NUBUS ethernet card but not the IP


help would be greatly appreciated
Tom Owad's picture
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I assume you have it set to

I assume you have it set to DHCP, and it's getting nothing from the DHCP server?

I'd try giving it a static IP address. If it still can't reach anything, I think my next step would be to put another staticly configured device on the same hub, and try to reach that. Do you have any network tools? If you have a telnet client, you can try telnetting to just about any service, to test connectivity. If you try to telnet to a closed port, you'll get an error about the connection being refused. Telnet to an open port, and it will open a connection and wait.

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Tom, I tried the simplest



I tried the simplest test you can. I have my 10/100 switch. Port one is my Mac Desktop run El Capitain. I have the NIC set for maual IP. IP is


My IIfx is also set to manual with IP


So from my mac desktop I ping the IIfx and time out


are there any diags for the apple nubus ethernet to make sure no problems with the NIC?

Tom Owad's picture
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With MacTCP, and maybe Open

With MacTCP, and maybe Open Transport, too, pinging isn't a reliable test. I forget the particulars.

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Tom Owad wrote:With MacTCP,
Tom Owad wrote:

With MacTCP, and maybe Open Transport, too, pinging isn't a reliable test. I forget the particulars.

Im installing 7.6 now, I will try that.  If that doesnt work I will get my IIvx and power mac desktops and see if I can connect them to the network then the IIfx

retro_bill's picture
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Tom, I figured out the



I figured out the problem.


Macs using MacTCP or Open Transport with the default settings do not load the TCP/IP protocol on startup. TCP/IP is only loaded into memory when an application that uses TCP/IP is run. The Mac will only respond to a ping request only if  you have already run an application that uses TCP/IP.  


The problem is in open transport TCPIP:  LOAD ONLY WHEN NEED WAS CHECKED


Unchecked , saved and rebooted and now DHCP works, I get my IP and can ping my IIfx from my OS X desktop!  Now I will reinsall 7.5.5 and OT 1.3 and try it. Then I will try Eworld!


Thanks for the Help!


Tom Owad's picture
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Nice work!BTW, it's "eWorld"

Nice work!

BTW, it's "eWorld" like "eMac" It's a remake of Apple's online service that competed with AOL from 1994-1996.

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I will download and install eWorld on my Mac SE/30 and try it with my WiFi modem.

Please give me that download link again.

Are there any special settings I need?

The WiFi Modem already works with other internet "BBS's"

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retro_bill wrote:Now I will
retro_bill wrote:

Now I will reinsall 7.5.5 and OT 1.3 and try it. Then I will try Eworld!  



Bill: Will you be installing System 7.5.3 with Open Transport 1.3 and AppleShare 3.7.4?

If you do, your Mac IIFx should be able to communicate over Localtalk or Ethertalk to a Mac running OS X Tiger, if you have one.

I was able to "see" my Tiger MacMini2,1 on my SE/30 but never actually connect and log-in.  

I was using the Farallon iPrint as a LocalTalk to Ethernet bridge.

I then was upgrading my Powerbook 1400c to run Apple's LocalTalk Bridge software so that I could see if the problem was the iPrint, but I discovered the hard way that Apple plastics from the mid-1990s are brittle with time and two of my Powerbook 1400 displays plastics exploded.  I have one more left and when I have time I will move the Ethernet Card over to that one and try it.


Also Here is my post about fixing four-digit year codes for your IIFx:

4 digit year codes in Mac OS up through 8

Tom Owad's picture
Last seen: 2 days 19 min ago
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Posts: 3383 There's There's also a big eWorld graphic on the front page of Applefritter.

Which WiFi modem are you using? Does it support PPP? SLIP?

retro_bill's picture
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@MichaelLAXI just installed 7


I just installed 7.5.5 and got networking working. I just brought up my G5 mac but it has Leopard on it. Any way to share files with os x 10.5 and 7.5.5?



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eWorld/WiFi Modem
Tom Owad wrote: There's also a big eWorld graphic on the front page of Applefritter.

Which WiFi modem are you using? Does it support PPP? SLIP?


Is the filename applefritter? I downloaded it on my High Sierra MacMini and uncompressed it into its folder and contained files, to next move over to my SE/30.

I purchased my WiFi modem from some gentleman who made them up in Canada; below is a photo

It has some BBS's built into its AT code memory; its been a while since I used it, but I will soon again now with eWorld!
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retro_bill wrote:@MichaelLAXI
retro_bill wrote:


I just installed 7.5.5 and got networking working. I just brought up my G5 mac but it has Leopard on it. Any way to share files with os x 10.5 and 7.5.5?



Your inquiry starts with this wonderful research piece:

Classic Mac Networking

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retro_bill wrote:@MichaelLAXI
retro_bill wrote:


I just installed 7.5.5 and got networking working. I just brought up my G5 mac but it has Leopard on it. Any way to share files with os x 10.5 and 7.5.5?

Easiest way would probably be FTP. Leopard has a built in FTP server. In Sharing > File Sharing > Options, make sure FTP in enabled.

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MichaelLAX wrote:Is the
MichaelLAX wrote:
Is the filename applefritter? I downloaded it on my High Sierra MacMini and uncompressed it into its folder and contained files, to next move over to my SE/30.

Correct. eWorld is going to  be a little slow on an SE/30, just to caution you.

It looks like that device supports SLIP:

retro_bill's picture
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FTP would be great! How do I

FTP would be great!


How do I get the FETCH.SIT from my os x desktop to my 7.5.5  IIfx? chicken and tghe egg. 

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speed of eWorld on SE/30 vs IIFx
Tom Owad wrote:
MichaelLAX wrote:
Is the filename applefritter? I downloaded it on my High Sierra MacMini and uncompressed it into its folder and contained files, to next move over to my SE/30.

Correct. eWorld is going to  be a little slow on an SE/30, just to caution you.



Why would the speed be slower on my SE/30 than on Retro's IIFx?

I thought the IIFx is electronically the same as the SE/30 with the same speed 68030 CPU chip originally installed.

That is what the "x" stood for; 68030 CPU upgrade, but since they could not release a Mac SEx, for obvious reasons, they changed the name to Mac SE/30.

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The IIfx is faster than an SE

The IIfx is faster than an SE/30.  If I remeber right, the IIfx was the fastest 030 machine Apple made at 40Mhz.

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IIFx vs IIx
I was confused and forgetting that the IIFx was a different Mac than the original IIx, which is the electronic clone of the Mac SE/30 with Nubus slots added (although it did include a PDS slot, too).
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