Back when I had my Apple /// (early 1980s), I wrote a program in UCSD Pascal that displayed a calendar on the right side of the screen and a clock on the left. This was all in graphics mode, of course.
I am trying to recreate this program on my Apple //e. It's not hard, technically, except for one thing: I don't recall how I was able to print numbers on the clock and the dates inside the grid of the calendar.
The TURTLEGRAPHICS unit doesn't seem to have any ability to write text on the screen in graphics mode.
Now, I'm almost certain this is a native ability of the UCSD P-system, but damned if I can remember how to do it. None of the manuals I've looked at mention it.
I suppose it's possible either that this feature was unique to the SOS version of the P System that formed the ///'s operating system, or perhaps it was a third party unit that I was using.
Does anyone remember?
Hello dramsey,
why not while startup of the program ( and still in text mode ) define 2 arrays
one for the numbers ( moving the bits from char-Rom to array - i.e. 3 dimensional: 1 = number ; 2 = rows ; 3 = dots as bits as byte) or if alternate ( just defining the chars by yourself ) without even using the char-ROM but instead creating digi-type like numbers...
and one for display of the chars in the graphics mode - ( display table 10 chars wide and 1 char high.)...
and then after switch to graphics pickup the stuff from arrays....
just an idea.....
sincerely speedyG
Pg 98
Bingo! How did I miss that? Thanks!