I have released the first stable version of Pom1. Get it over at the project website.
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The Windows version works great. I ran it in Wine on my Mac without any problems at all.
Here is a port of Pom1 1.0.0 for Mac OS X
I just tried the Mac OSX version and it doesn't run. I moved the framework to /Library/Frameworks, rebooted and still no go...
Any clue, I'm on a new MacBook air with 10.7.2.
building for Intel and Mac OS X 10.6 and up only
One of these days I need to learn how to use Xcode. I'm a Unix script and batch file compiling person.
The source code for the Mac and Windows versions are available. I included a simple makefile with the Mac source code. I think you might need to change the temporary install path to include your username instead of mine.
cd Pom1
I am stuck with Xcode 3.2.6 and Mac OS X 10.6.x. Fortunately, your new Mac can run Xcode 4 and Lion. 1.0.1beta3 was built with gcc 4.0, 1.0.1beta4 was built with gcc 4.2, that and the release numbers are the only difference between the two.
Beta 4 works great on 10.7 Lion.
I understand being stuck with 10.6.x, my son's Mac, my old one before the MacBook Air, is 32 bit and stuck there as well.
Thanks for the recompile, this will let me play around until my Apple I replica is built...
Can't seem to load any ROM files like the basic rom.
FYI: It doesn't even complain if you try to load a file that even exists. It seems the may not work.
I just tried to run Krusader against this on Windows but something strange happens with shift. Looks like it treats a shift press as a key press so I am unable to enter a '$' for example. Makes it hard to enter any assembly source. Basic works alright in this regard though. Krusader uses the following to read a character - works fine on my emulator (i.e. Krusader Toolkit), the java pom, and the replica 1.
Also had problems after going into full screen and out - left my windows stuck on half monitor. And it managed to seize up once and hard crash once in 5 minutes of use, so probably not quite 1.0.0 yet.
On the positive side, I loaded up my assembler test file in binary and assembled and ran it. It assembles every instruction and every addressing mode and then self tests the output. All worked, so the core emulation must be pretty much right.
Hi everyone,
Sorry about those two bugs. I have fixed them and now the save memory and fullscreen options should work correctly. It was a long time since I worked on the project before the last release I called stable. I should have done more testing before I released it. I will probably do another release of 1.0.0 with a few other new things besides the two bugs I fixed.
I initially used double buffering for the video, but later changed it since not much updating is done to the screen unless you type characters and characters are output to the screen. It just made sense to me to only update those portions of the screen that are necessary instead of updating the entire screen using double buffering. I do not own a Mac so I am unable to verify how SDL Pom1 works on it. I do not notice any flickering on Windows or Linux, but if it is that much of a problem for the Mac then I may reconsider using double buffering.
I am also planning on doing a release for Android, so if you own an Android tablet or mobile device, as I do, then you may look forward to the release of that version.
Thanks again to everyone who has used and supported my port of Pom1.
So you fixed the load and save from a file functions?
Here is some code to test the keyboard...
300:AD 11 D0 10 FB AD 10 D0 20 DC FF 4C 00 03
Yes, I have fixed the save memory option. The load memory option works, but for ASCII mode the beginning of each line must include an address. I will change this for the next release so that either will work. I also have fixed the issue with the shift key. It was allowing it as a valid key when it shouldn't have. I tested it with Krusader and the $ character is now recognized.
diff Pom1-1.0.0beta4/src/options.c Pom1-1.0.1beta5/src/options.c
< if (type != 'A' || type != 'a' || type != 'B' || type != 'b')
> if (type != 'A' && type != 'a' && type != 'B' && type != 'b') // bug fix! Windows and Linux should get this too!
When will you have something for us to try? Didn't see it on the download site yet...
Pom1-1.0.1 beta5 for Mac OS X (Intel) is available at http://hoop-la.ca/apple1/pom1/
- hopefully, fixed all of the keyboard problems.
The loading of files works but you have to have the exact path and no error message if the file does not exist or it can't find it. I'd suggest some feedback. Also it may make sense if the user doesn't specify a path to look in resources in the package since you already have some ROM files there.
Otherwise looks good and I was able to write "Hello World" in basic. A big step for many apple I emulators which require loading Basic and not already having it in memory when loaded.
Yes, that was the exact fix I used of changing || to && for the save memory option. I will take a look at the rest of your fixes. I also noticed that I do redraw every character each time and update the entire screen instead of updating the area of each character that is output. I just do not find double buffering really necessary since the screen is only updated when a character is output. I will probably include an option to load basic automatically. The reason I didn't initially was because some people may want to use that area of memory for some other purpose. I will probably release 1.0.0 again in the next week or so. It depends on if I can find the time to include the other things I would like to include before releasing it again.
Dear Anarkavre and Applefritter friends,
I have built a Raspbian for All Raspberry pi distribution running at boot The POM 1 emulator for arch linux. It runs pretty well.
If you want to try it here is the link in GoogleDrive: Pom 1 Raspberry pi Distribution to download click here.
Here a Raspberry POM 1 video if you want to be sure you like it to download: VIDEO click here, The mouse pointer is not so visible if you dont connect mouse to raspberry and if you use an A+ Raspberry or similar Cpu.