Has anyone that is using the BMOW FloppyEmu with an Apple ][+ upgraded their firmware beyond 0.2L?
The reason I'm asking: the Franklin ACE 1000 that I'm refurbishing absolutely refuses to boot from a FloppyEmu that is connected via an Apple disk controller.
All firmware revisions work fine with a Franklin disk controller, and the Apple FDC works fine with 0.2L. Apple disk controller + (firmware > L) = endless read loop on track 0.
Doesn't matter if the logic board is using ][+ or Franklin ROMs, the result is the same.
Edit: the same controller and the same FloppyEmu work fine with > 0.2L on a //e, so the controller is probably okay.
I've been talking this over with Steve@BMOW. He says that he's had reports of this issue from other Franklin owners, and reckons that it's something weird with the Franklin design itself. He hasn't heard any failure reports from ][+ users.
I've compared the ][+ schematics (from Red Book) and the Franklin schematics (from SAMS), and I'm not seeing any obvious differences apart from the missing capacitors/choke for the color circuit.
It *should* work, but it doesn't. So maybe it is actually broken on the ][+ as well?
Thanks in advance for any data points!
Hi cryu, I'm using the latest 0.2Q-F29 FW with my Apple II+ and it works fine. I haven't used it much yet, but so far no issues. It's a Floppy Emu Model C, BTW.
Rats. So there's more variance between the Franklin and the ][+ than I thought.
Thanks for letting me know, much appreciated.