I'm repairing a very early (second week production) Macintosh 128 that has several bad memory chips. They are the Apple logo MT4264 that I understand are not very reliable. This is an unmolested and somewhat rare board that I don't want to do anything that would diminish it's value. I have 16 good Apple logo MT4264 chips that were harvested from a socketed board that I plan to use for the replacements. My question is should I install sockets that would make future replacement easier, or should I solder in the replacement chips.
Dick Stachowiak
put in the sockets. as time goes on, more and more of those micron chips are going to fail.
I'm leaning toward sockets unless I get some very stong objections against it. I see it as a benifit and it's compleatly reversable if the next owner can't live with it.
Dick Stachowiak
I'd vote for sockets, but get the good quality machined pins and not the crapy sockets. They hold up much better and don't break as easy.
Save headaches, later: Alawys socket replacements.