Strange formating / adtpro issue.

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Last seen: 1 week 6 days ago
Joined: Jun 3 2019 - 21:23
Posts: 104
Strange formating / adtpro issue.

I don't know if I have a bad drive or disk to old or what.


So when I got the apple back in July it would not boot off of any disks. After a cleaning. It stated working like a champ. So I used the same disks over and over again and then they stopped working. These disks you could see now was worn out with groves it in. No problem vintage 1980's disks. So I decide to grab some more disks. A good old original disk would boot just fine. A true blue apple disk.

Fast foward to about 1 month ago. I went though and archived all the disks. Some did not archive without errors. But most arvhiced and sometimes a 2nd read would elimite the error.  All the disks that had errors and mutiple errors you could tell was falling apart. Also during this time I was able to do a speed test. The speed was just fine.


Now for today I two boxes of old vintage ds/dd disks. I figured some them even sealed look questionable. No issue I decided to start adtpro and go to copy stuff. Wow big issues. big errors. No problem. I will try a few more. Same thing. So I opened the drive and cleaned it. I did not find anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes when you use old disks they put garbage on the head and you have to clean it off. The head look good.

Next step is using copy ii plus. Just to format and check disks. This is what gets going strange. If I format in prodos. I get anything from no disk in drive to errors. But if I format in dos 3.3. With the expection of one disk. It formats just fine.

If somebody could leave me in the right direction. I would appriciate it. I don't have a o-scop or antyhig. But as luck would have it. I have anohter apple showing up hopefully tommorow. But the whole system is dirty and thus requires a clean. But at least I'll have antoher drive to test and use.

I'm hoping with the prodos / dos issue. You guys might have seen this before and narrow it down to a certain alignment or something.


One final thing I could do but don't have setup is a pc with a 5.1/4 drive. Back in the day I would flip disk between the 2 and see what bad tracks I got.









NovellNetware's picture
Last seen: 1 week 6 days ago
Joined: Jun 3 2019 - 21:23
Posts: 104
It was the apple II drive.

It is the apple ii drive. I got the other drive in and it works great on everything. So I'll look into it more





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