hello AF-members,
i am looking for keyboards from Apple II or Apple II clones. Only keyboard. They may come from damaged clones or Apple II cases without proof of function - i can repair by myself..... IMPORTANT: the keyboards must be simple WITHOUT numeric keypad section, which was common at most clones sold after ´84..... depending to condition of repait status i´m looking for 3 or 4 keyboards. I´d prefer sales from within Europe due to transportationfees....
payment will be dependent to damage / working proof status of keyboards....
any kind of offers please here by pm to me....
thanks in advance for any kind of offers
sincerely speedyG
WTB Apple II or clone keyboards
January 22, 2013 - 2:48am
WTB Apple II or clone keyboards
Hello to all AF-members....
due to the fact that i have no reply on this posting uncovering any kind of keyboards here in Europe - i´ll therefor expand my search to USA and Canada too....
so if anybody has 2 or 3 working or damaged Apple II or II+ ( NOT IIE ! ) keyboards out there in a barn... I´m searching for them hard !
I try to complete a Mimeo and a Newton NTI replica before the VCFe in Munich starts - to show there in a
view to history these 2 replicas in working condition....
and besides i need the 2 in working condition for examining and testing of the expansioncards that i developed for those replicas.....
please give feedback by pm and list cost of the keyboards....
as explained i´ll also take damaged keyboards - if they are at least partially working and repair the rest by myself....
sincerely speedyG
I have a original and working Apple II Rev.1 keyboard dated 1979/3/12 not for sale but to lend for use in the VCFe project
Also a working II+ clone keyboard (and perhaps the working clone II+ aside *g*) and a DIY PS/2 > Apple II adapter (7bit, strobe etc.) for sale
Hello Andre,
i just sent a pm .... in fact the replicae´s will be in Lexan-case - similar to the last case introduced by corey986....
so if i have to cut that case to build in a keyboard it´s more likely to me - that afterwards that keyboard stays in that case.... it would be very difficult to afterwards put in another keyboard - unless it would be exactly the same due to the made cuts...
and i want to avoid using PS2 keyboard with the replicas because there is too much difference with keys and non-working keys on those keyboards.... this would only cause irritation to the visitors at the VCFe
probably there is a exchange possible with the clone ?
i also have a working clone - but it has numeric block on the keyboard and that is too large for the lexan-case ....
ssincerely speedyG