Okay when i origionaly installed os 8.0 from floppies and it rebooted it crashed upon trying to load the extensions i troble shooted and found out the problem causing extension "Shared Libraries Mangager PPC" was it. Now opentransport doesnt load, causing me not to get into the appletalk control menu, or TC/IP, therefore not allowing me to configure it to connect to the internet. Would using a LapisColor MV16 en cause any problems?
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I am also using a LapisColor MV16 en card in my PB 5300ce -- small world, eh? Mine is running Mac OS 9.1
The drivers in the box for the card are for System 7 -- you'll need to do a Google search or check DriverGuide for the latest drivers. Using the old drivers with Mac OS 8 or later could cause problems like you're describing.
I've also noticed that even with correct drivers, the card can occasionally be a little flaky. Sometimes I've had to reboot in order to see the network or the Internet.
Good luck!
but i havent installed the drivers yet i didnt get a driver floppy. Everything worked before when i had upgraded the original install from 7.5.3 with os 8.1 but now i've upgraded the harddrive and started from blank. driver guide no longer has the drivers
Let me see what I can dig up. I'll private message you tomorrow and tell you what I find.