Feature Apple I/Replica 1 in Nuts 7 Volts Magazine

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Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 20 2005 - 10:25
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Feature Apple I/Replica 1 in Nuts 7 Volts Magazine

Tom, Vince

Have either one of you considered doing a feature construction article on the replica 1 with Nuts & Volts? i know I have requested a computer project along these lines with their editorial staff but I don't think they have anyone who was willing to take the time to construct one. Since you have built a machine and already written a book on the subject, You would seem to be a position to fill the bill as it were.

Side benefits would be increase sales in both the computer and book, not to mention the increase traffic on applefritter.

Would anybody else here be interested?

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 20 2005 - 10:25
Posts: 77

hard to believe there are no Nuts & Volts readers here in Applefritter. Tom? Vince?

Tom Owad's picture
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I used to subscribe. It's a

I used to subscribe. It's a fun magazine.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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I've picked it up at the stor

I've picked it up at the store and flipped through before. If I had the time and money it'd be on my "To Subscribe" list, alomd with PopSci PopMech, etc.

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Nuts & Volts

I've thought about sending a word in to Nuts & Volts but most of the readers can design a replica 1 on their own. I know someobody sent in a video display using an ATMEGA8 like the replica so there might be something of use to readers in the replica. Maybe the simplicity of the circuit? Who knows. Has anybody submitted a circuit that got published in the magazine?


Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: Mar 20 2005 - 10:25
Posts: 77
A few years back when before

A few years back when before they bought out the Popular Electronics subscriptions, Nuts and Volts were soliciting for project and article ideas. I pitched a few things I would like to see but the number one project was a computer kit, something that could run for a few issues and could be added onto. Think Circuit Celler during the late 70's. I even suggested that they see if a defunct 80's computer architecture so OEM peripherials could be used.

All of this sounds a bit much, but the editor replied and thanked me for the input (as expected) and wanted to know if I knew of anyone who had a home built computer.

Well, I enjoyed Tom's book and your Replica 1 kit, it's well designed and there quite a bit to learn from constructing one. I really think you two should colaborate.

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