I originally bought this off of eBay and it arrived with it's handles smashed. It worked fine for a while then suddenly started crashing randomly, so I'm not interested in trying to fix it, too much hassle as I spent days trying to diagnose and fix this thing...But if anyone wants to give it a go, it's yours. Most likely needs a replacement motherboard as the shock that smashed the handles to bits most likely cracked the logic board. That's just a layman's guess though. The handles have been replaced.
G3 300Mhz
Zip Drive (100MB)
ATI 3D Rage Pro PCI With A/V
I can't ship it as I have no box that it would fit into and chances are it would arive just as damaged as I recieved it without the original Apple Box, so if you are in the Vancouver.Lower Mainland area and want to pick it up, let me know.
edit - Don't forget to send all buy/sell offers by PM only, please.