I've been having some problems with my clamshell lately. Basically, it's not retaining the PRAM settings whenever I restart. I keep having to manually enter all the settings after everytime I restart (not often, but still, I have to do it ;)). I am shipping the iBook to my cousin in AZ today afternoon, so I wanna get a solution at least for this before I ship it. Anyone have any ideas what this is?
BTW.I repaired permissions 'bout 3 weeks ago. I am running 10.3.9
buy a new pram battery for it
Umm...actually, the clamshells don't have PRAM batts., they rely on the (main) battery power instead. My battery is 'bout 3 mos old and holds about a 3 hour charge, so I don't think thats the problem.
are you shure about that
Yep,I'm sure...unless I missed seeing the PRAM battery whenever I open it
sorry i just cecked . it is in the battery pack but its built in not part of the main cell's if i read right
from the tech records, it has a small capacitor that stays charged when the battery is removed. It sounds like the capacitor is going out. you might want to look for the capacitor and attempt to replace it
Do you guys know where this capacitor might be located?
yea that is what i thought you would figure on having somthing onboard when you remove the battery pack
IIRC, that's the cure for your issue. It's that tiny button behind the power button at the back of the palmrest.
With the 'Book off, press the reset button only once, wait 10 seconds or so, then start 'er up.
Also, you might want to do the ol' OF reset:
enter OF by holding cmd-opt-O-F keys at startup
at prompt, type "reset-nvram", hit return, type "reset-all", hit return again, it'll restart.
Whatever the problem, it has nothing to do with the permissions you repaired, it's a HW issue. I seriously doubt that the aformentioned capacitor is faulty BTW.
dan k
Thanks, I'll go ahead and try that..BRB!
at http://www.whoopis.com/computer_repair/
The manual should have the info you need.
Cheers, Tom
Mac Troubleshooting, Maintenance & Tips
Hey,, Seems that the settings are intact after resetting the Power manager, only the clock reset itself...Great!!! thanks for the help and links for the service manuals!