Windows programs work in Darwine

Windows programs work in Darwine on new iMac (Early 2006, Intel Core Duo)

Could you give a step by step explaination on how to get it working?
I have an IntelMac with 2 GB ram, so that should be sufficient. Peter Thisted

I've used quite some time trying to figure out how to get Darwine working. Actually it irritates me, that there's no guide for MacIntel users.

  • Install the newest version of Darwine that has Intel-support

When you try to open .exe-files, they don't work.

  • Start X11 and in xterm type the command /Applications/Darwine/Wine.bundle/Contents/bin/wineprefixcreate

Now alle the dirty work is done, and you can run e.g. winemine.exe from the Sample WineLib Applications. If this works, you're up'n'running.