Why can't I install OS 10.2.0 on a Maxtor 160gb drive in a G3?

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Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Joined: Apr 13 2005 - 22:51
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Why can't I install OS 10.2.0 on a Maxtor 160gb drive in a G3?

Hey guys:

I'm stumped -- I got a used Maxtor 160GB drive off eBay to replace the nearly full 6G drive in my Beige G3 MT. Plugged it in as slave on the cable with the old drive in place, partitioned to have a 7.9G first partion, a 76G second and a 40G or so third partition (since they all have to be less than 120G).

Use Carbon Copy Cloner to copy the drive over after just using the OS (it failed, of course). Booted just fine when I selected it in Preferences, so I though I was good to go.

Swapped the jumpers to make it the master, and it won't boot. Get an Open Firmware error of "can't open" (this happens sometimes with the old drive too -- solution is to boot 9.2 off the SCSI drive installed also and re-select as boot drive). Sometimes I also get "no HFS+ boot partion found).

This is driving me nuts -- I've tried all the possible combinations of master and slave, I've plugged the new drive into the CD-ROM cable -- both jumpered as master -- and even tried to install OS x from the installation disks.

That works more or less -- it always crashes about the time the display would go to screen saver. Screen goes off, computer freezes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated -- I'd love to get a couple of the disks out of this thing (three hard drives installed at the moment). Even with a Beige, this shouldn't be such a problem!

Thanks in advance!


Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 151
I have had similar problems w

I have had similar problems with my beige g3's. i cant help you with the os x problem though. but for the can't open thng, if you just leave the machine it will stop and it will boot. it will say can't open about 20 times then it will stop and boot. To fix this, try holding option+command+p+r when you hear the chime at start up. wait until you hear the chime 3 or 4 times then see if it boots.

coius's picture
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beige's dont support anything over the 128GB limit. It was the ceiling for the IDE channel addressing. It might be the fact that the system is having a hard time locating everything on the disk. You may just have to reinstall

soundexcess's picture
Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
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ide controller

thats any thing pre quicksilver does not support over a 128GB limit the simple solution would be to get a pci hard driver and set it as boot device most newer pci controllers support well over 120GB you could also use a sata controller with an adapter

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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you cant install OS X or run

you cant install OS X or run OS X from the slave hdd it has to be set as master inorder to install to it or boot Os X from it. OS 9.2.2 dont care where you have it but on a beige G3 wile trying to run or install OS X the hdd has to be on the master side. and if its a rev A rom master/slave configs dont work right. but since OS X wrights it own rom to the ram you dont have that limit in OS X but you still need to set it on master. it will see the drive but only 128gb of 160gb. it should still work. 10.2.8 will install with out xpostfacto. I know cause i have a Beige G3 AIO rev b rom rev b mobo running 10.2.8 just fine

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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Posts: 24
Thanks guys, but I've tried a

Thanks guys, but I've tried all that. It's getting worse -- I pulled all but 128M of ram and the extra SCSI card and managed to get it to install OX 10.2, but now it's eating hard drives!!!!

My 6G maxtor bit the dust, and my trusty LaCie 1G external died at the same time, not a coincedence I don't believe. I've been having drive error problems anyway, and the box boots when I switch on either of my SCSI scanners, so I think it's time to toss it and get a newer mac. Just bid on a G4 tower on eBay.

I think the MB on the Beige is flaky. I will try a new battery since I don't remember putting a new one in, but I cannot afford a box that kills hard drives! The maxtor clicks a bunch of times, but will not initialize, and the LaCie initiallizes, but the disk activity light stays on all the time.

Just another day in Paradise.....


The Czar's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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I have a G3 DT 233. The SCSI

I have a G3 DT 233. The SCSI controller went wonky on it and it destroyed the 4 or so devices connected to the SCSI bus (which is a real PITA). I think those rigs had a *really* cheap mass storage implementation, as every beige G3 DT I've seen has had either the SCSI or the IDE bus fail on the logic board.

For some reason, I've found that the Beige rigs don't work well with any drives that aren't stock Apple units. Third party drives (be they Hard Drives or CD drives, IDE or SCSI) are just rejected by the rig as inferior. Take a stock Apple drive (out of any Apple rig) and the Beige is happier (but not totally happy - it is a Beige after all :-P). Maybe it's the Apple firmware on the drive that's responsible for this, I don't know, but it is a major annoyance of mine.


The Czar

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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the hdd in mine is a western

the hdd in mine is a western digital SE 120gb it runs great. the only thing i have problems on is the pioneer DVR-110D in OS 9 with a wakeup freeze and it wont boot OS X install cd the only way i can is by holding the command control power ( AKA apple's 3 finger salute) for about 5 seconds after a failed atemt to boot fron the OS X cd then it will boot but it stalls out during the file writing of the install so i have to put the stock apple drive in to install OS X. i also bought 2 single drive ultra ata/133 80 wire IDE cables and the IDE bus is maxed out at 16mb per second

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