VisualProjector v2.0.0

"Visual Projector 2" gives Macintosh users a shareware alternative to
version control systems with an intuitive interface. With Version 2, VCS
databases can be created and manipulated, files can be checked in, out
and shaken about in a intuitive manner. Visual Projector is a user
interface for Apples SourceServer which is freely available from Apples
web site.

This release opens the world of source control via SourceServer to those
outside of the programming fraternity. VisualProjector can be used
easily for source management of web sites, word processor documents,
spreadsheets, applescripts,etc.

VisualProjector can be included on commercial CDs if required but must
be the complete installer with all documentation.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File visual-projector-20.hqx773.66 KB
File Type: 