Re: Looking for some sample appletalk ATP code...

Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1993 14:30:39 -0800

I was trying to get Think Pascal 4.0.2 to play anynchronous sounds (sounds
that play while other things are happening). It turns out that you have to
remove the [D] Debug compile option or else the machine crashes.

On the road to discovering this, I made a 'minimal' anynchronous sound
program. A sample sound playing program is provided by Jim Reekes in the
folder of, but it is very elaborate and complex. What I offer
is a minimum piece of source code that a beginner could look at to see the
essential elements of async sound production, done by-the-book (vol VI of
Inside Apple, in this case).
Marv Westrom
Faculty of Education, UBC
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z4

#### TEXT atp-sample-code-c.txt ****

Date: Wed, 2 Sep 92 18:11:08 GMT

In article <> Alex Bratton, writes:
>If you have some sample code (ATP) that opens, registers, and dumps some
>data, I'd really appreciate seeing it. This has been bugging me for a
>and I think I need to look at some working code to see what I'm missing.

Here is some more sample code, which opens and registers an ATP socket.
It is from the Macintosh User Authenticator mentioned in a previous post
be me.

The code is written for Think C 5.


Path: /www/exparrot/

File async-sound-sample-pas.hqx96.05 KB
File Type: 