Ghost Mouse 1.1 (source code)

Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1993 23:35:30 -0500 (EST)

Ghost Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to disappear
if you stop moving it. Due to numerous requests from users of version 1.0,
the mouse can stay stationery for about 2 seconds before it disappears.
This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License;
this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files
for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of
the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author.
The address is

This code demonstrates the basics of writing and installing a VBL. This code
should work under any system, with any monitor, on all Macintoshes. Please
report any bugs/comments/suggestions to

Ghost Mouse 1.1 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File ghost-mouse-11-c.hqx21.45 KB
File Type: 