AutoCheck 2.4.2

Automates Apple's Disk First Aid (a free program distributed with the Mac
OS) to check all disks at once, except remote and read-only volumes and any
you exclude. A complete run through a typical configuration takes less than
five minutes.

The importance of something like AutoCheck, maybe placed in the Mac's
Startup Items folder, is that most users run Disk First Aid or a similar
utility only when experiencing problems. But a lot of disk damage is
incremental, and early detection and repair can be crucial to safeguarding

By itself, Disk First Aid takes several steps to run. AutoCheck automates
the entire process, with several convenient options. It stops and posts a
dialog only if a disk error is found. Otherwise, it runs and then quits
Disk First Aid and itself by the time you've gotten a cup of coffee, and
your Mac has a clean bill of health.

Users say: "Cool! . . . very fine! . . . excellent! . . . very useful . . .
works like a charm . . . great . . . Popular Download [] . . .
a great utility . . . it works perfectly . . . nifty script for teching
your Mac! [MacScripter] . . . 4 out of 5 cows [Tucows] . . . Popular
[] . . . I like it. You can write a simple script to do this, but
his additions make it work much better . . . neat . . . giving this away is
a wonderful thing for the Mac community . . . I love AutoCheck . . . I have
been using AutoCheck for over a year and am very pleased with it . . .
thank you for automating this housekeeping chore, which otherwise would
rarely get done . . . I have greatly enjoyed AutoCheck . . . Many thanks
for a very useful tool . . . Thanks for your cool stuff!"

Free. New in 2.4.2: bug fixes. Requires OS 7.5 through 9x and two scripting
additions: Akua Sweets 1.4.3 and Dialog Director 0.7, both free for
personal use.

Thank you,
John Rethorst

Path: /www/exparrot/

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