Some strange keyboard thingy...

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Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jul 7 2005 - 15:54
Posts: 73
Some strange keyboard thingy...

A long time ago (OK, only about a year or so), when I was using my indigo iMac for everything, seomthing funny started happening with the keyboard.

It was running both OS 9.2.2 and OS X 10.2.3, but in OS X, the "S" and "K" keys on the keyboard didn't work, although they functioned perfectly fine in OS 9.

I asked a fair number of people about it (before I discovered these forums) but noone new what had happened.

Then, one day, it went backto normal and it hasn't happened since.

To thins day I still don't know what caused it, can anyone here shed some light onto the mystery?