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applemachome's picture
Last seen: 19 years 6 months ago
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This is exactly the description of my school. I brought in an apple mouse one time to use with the pcs, and I got in trouble. Others bring in microsoft "mouses" and they dont get busted. Whats up with this?

GEOS's picture
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RE: PC society

My school is similar, i am yet to find another Mac user and all of the schools "computers" are D&lls. I have brought my ibook to school many times and everyone who sees it and uses it really likes it. I have two friends who want ibooks now because of mine.

Oh, Hazel, look. The field! It's covered in blood

applemachome's picture
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We all get d&lls also, and I know about 5 people that have ipods, (all pc, go figure) and 4 of em got itunes, 1 uses musicmatch, the 4 using itunes say the ipod kicks butt, and the one using musicmatch hates it. Go figure. One actually spent all of his money to buy a 20 gig model, he had been saving for about 3 years.


GEOS's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
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ipod for winDOS

I have only brought my ipod once (since we arn't supposed to have radios, CD's etc.) and most of my friends like it, i think only 1 or 2 other kids have one, and i was surprised how many people did not know what an ipod is! do they have NO ouside life?. We are doing testing tommorow on their "laptops" and im gonna bring my pro mouse and see what the teachers say about that. Wink

Oh, Hazel, look. The field! It's covered in blood

applemachome's picture
Last seen: 19 years 6 months ago
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Pro Mouse



Last seen: 19 years 7 months ago
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My school......

My school hates Apple too. The only one who uses Mac is the system administrator, who hates Microsoft. He said he hates it because he has so many problems with it compared to his G3 300. They won't let him use Apple in this school. Everyone else hates Apple like the Ebola virus. They think its stupid and old and nobody uses it. I just say they're stupid. I can't explain to them because kids my age are computer stupid. And so are most of our teachers. I want to bring my WallStreet to chess club to show of before I move to Kentucky. I just have one thing to say, I LOVE APPLE!


Blue iMac 333MHz ~WallStreet 233 Rev II ~Blue Handspring Visor Deluxe~

Kevin C. Woods

Last seen: 19 years 7 months ago
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What happened.

How could you get in trouble for bringing a Mac mouse to a PC school? What did they do to you? What kind of school is this?

Blue iMac 333MHz ~WallStreet 233 Rev II ~Blue Handspring Visor Deluxe~

Kevin C. Woods

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago
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quite a few people at my school love their Macs, most others tolerate them just fine- EVERYONE knows what an iPod is!

Our techie guy loves Macs(uses PCs) and bought the school 3 eMacs for video editing and disc burning. Really cool, especially considering how many new Dells he ordered which essentially can do the same thing...

You like your Macintosh more than me, don't you, Dave? Dave? Can you hear me, Dave...?

Last seen: 19 years 7 months ago
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My School

Getting thin...

Anyways, My school only has macs except a IBM Thinkserver running Linux.
My band teacher likes Macs and we've had some pretty interesting conversations like for example about his 9600 ~ G4 400 MHz.

Anyways that's just my school.

crosby_sb's picture
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I know..

My prinipal won't even let me bring my 40 GB iPod to school!!! I mean come on!!! Durng a school day my friend brought his 12. in. G4 powerbook and we played Halo good thing princepal didn't see us! :ebc:
Crosby :coolmac: :macos:

applemachome's picture
Last seen: 19 years 6 months ago
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Brgingn a mouse or keyboard

I got yelled at for supposidly
breaking our "Acceptable USe" Policy

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School is stupid.

I think I'll bring my WallStreet to chess club just to see what would happen. They would probably take it. If they can pry it from my hands that is! :macos: Or maybe I'll just bring an old iMac keyboard.


Blue iMac 333MHz ~WallStreet 233 Rev II ~Blue Handspring Visor Deluxe~

Kevin C. Woods

performaman's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
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Computers with BS(od) Windows

We have HP Laptops at our school (bought to replace [url =;action=display;num=1071274849]these [/url] Dells (ten were stolen about 1 month ago). They're okay except that whenever I plug in my PCMCIA storage card or my USB thumb drive I get a BSOD.
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-Linus Torvalds

Last seen: 19 years 7 months ago
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Maybe... It is Apple's Fault

I remember when Apple just about gave computers to schools. Schools have bean-counters who would rather quantity than quality for purchasing newer computers. PC builders are really ready to "work a deal" with the purchacing agents to sell them PCs. Apple might offer an educational discount, but it is not enough at times. Steve Jobs once said that if he could get Apples into the hands of the schools, he would have customers of the students (not a direct quote). It seems like they forgot that, and the PC makers remembered it.

applemachome's picture
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Steve-o probably found out that they werent getting as much profit as they wanted Smile


catmistake's picture
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I went to the assistant head of CS at VA Tech to complain about the computer requirement: Why require students to buy a PC (wasn't always thus) when it is clear the past, present and future of developing is in unix-like OS's?

He agreed with me that the windows world leaves much to be desired (I used the word "inferior"), and he only added that the department "certainly isn't endorsing Windows!" Besides System X, there seems to be quite a weird movement towards Mandrake... weird that they, apparently, think every server should have a desktop.

simon_C's picture
Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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well, my school is LOADED wi

well, my school is LOADED with macs! theres a new 1ghz eMac in almost every room.the ones that dont have emacs have 5200/120's in em (sometimes both!) or some old peesees. the only room that has regularly used peesees is the cisco networking class and one of the science labs.

Pease's picture
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PC only

I guess the schools don't use Apples because there just aren't that many businesses that use them. I wish more places DID use them because
I think that they are superior to PCs, but that's the way it goes. I have a PC and a Mac as well and I use both, but I use the Mac more and
it's an old MacTV that was my Mom's. I like the MacOS vs WinBlows.

olikicksmacs's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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Wot Is That??

We don't have 1 mac in our school. I know that macs arent as big in the uk as in the us, but not ONE?? Damn school! I brought in my new ibook last week and the 7 people that commented on it all said "What is that?" But they did like it and I got my friend one because she liked it so much (Rich B***h) Our IT Technician says he would rather be payed to throw one away than use 1. U've probably guessed that I dont like him too much. Maybe I should stick apple stickers on the peecee monitors with araldite. Hmmmm.


Last seen: 19 years 7 months ago
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AHHHHH! My new school has no

AHHHHH! My new school has no Macs! HELP!

Blue iMac 333MHz ~WallStreet 233 Rev II ~Blue Handspring Visor Deluxe~

Kevin C. Woods

Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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Re: Wot Is That??

I know that macs arent as big in the uk as in the us

not sure about where you are ... but in Scotland Macs are really big in schools Smile


olikicksmacs's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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I live in the above but come from scotland (glasgow actually.) I have visited a lot of schools round my area and not one has had a mac in. Boo Hoo. Excuse me as I get a tissue.

Bring Back The Clamshell

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They are very big in the like

They are very big in the likes of Lanarkshire .... Aberdeen City Library Services like them ... the smaller libraries I've seen use Viglen PC's with "ABDN CITY CNCL" "tattooed" onto them for security ... why bother, who would want to nick a PeeCee???

At the Central Library (HUGE place, next to His Majesty's Theatre) they have PC's for the little kids, and eMacs and iMacs for the adults, which are NOT filtered.

Naturally it is only the adults tha can use the Macs cos all the kids love Micro$haft ... but sit them in front of an eMac and leave them alone for a while ... come back and they'll have a huge smile on their face... (either because they love Mac now and forever or they just made the HD disappear!)

Councils and Education Establishments still use Macs a lot, though!!!



I've got a job lined up at a place which is an Apple Authorised Reseller ... if I get fed up of it there are lots of Macs at John Lewis, and the Aberdeen City Council has Mac people... I don't fancy moving to Edinburgh (although it is v.nice) or Glasgow just to get to a Scotsys AppleCentre...

Has anyone ever heard of AppleCentre Aberdeen? It closed yonks ago but I was wondering if it will ever come back? Just a thought

alexmac's picture
Last seen: 19 years 6 months ago
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Mac's in our school, same as

Mac's in our school, same as Olikicksmacs
are not big at all but i agree with tom
that there are some schools which have
Mac's but there mostly influenced on
art, design and music and our school is
based on crap

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