1. does the pcb have traces on both sides?
2. can i use the pcb layout included to make a pcb using this method: http://www.5bears.com/pcb.htm
3. do you have the pcb layout for a serial card, or a cassette tape interface card?
A few replica 1 questions..
May 3, 2006 - 7:23am
A few replica 1 questions..
1. does the pcb have traces on both sides?
2. can i use the pcb layout included to make a pcb using this method: http://www.5bears.com/pcb.htm
If you mean the pcb layout of the Replica 1 that's included with Apple I Replica Creation, I don't see why not.
3. do you have the pcb layout for a serial card, or a cassette tape interface card?
I don't believe Vince has released the files for the serial card. The only cassette interface reporduction I've seen is by obtronix. I don't think he's released the pcb layout.
does that pcb layout that came with the replica 1 book show the traces for both sides on it?
Yes. It's got the schematics, the pcb files, and all the tools you need to edit them (on the Mac).
i know, i have the book. but that file that's included apple1_rep.mpc the traces shown on that, are both sides shown of the pcb shown in that layout?
Yes. The red lines are the top trace; the blue lines are the bottom.
You can turn layers on and off by going to the Layout menu and choosing "Set Visible Layers…"
okay thanks just the info i was looking for.