Earlier today, I had it open while I was inspecting the power connector, which is slightly corroded. When I put it all back toghether, and powered it on, I was greeted by a loud "scrunch" like noise from the speaker, and a momentary flicker of the screen. Then it turned off.
I opened it back up, made sure everything was connected ok, then hooked it all toghether. Now, every time I boot it up, I see an image just like this - http://john8520.pweb.info/180screen.png
I hear no noise of the HDD or FDD spinning up, and nothing from the speaker. Did I really manage to totally kill it?
Any Ideas?
It could be something not sitting right after being put back together.
If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend taking it apart again and double-check connectors and placement as it goes back together.
Alright, I'll look over the case and boards for shorts. I sure hope I can fix this thing!
Well, after a long time of poking around and testing, I found ou tthat one of the spacers for the daughtercard was being bad. Removing it fixes everything.