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Aren't there already a few good ideas around?
I've got a friend who has been working with some sort of mild acid (I forget the name of the stuff) on tables and other metal objects as an easy way of putting logos and messages on something. Its a really cool effect, and with a good pattern it would make a nice TiBook/AlBook mod. I keep meaning to get some of the stuff to try and mod some older drives.
would that work on the TiBook ... i would have thought the paint on the case would have caused problems ...
you could of course strip the paint and go for a bare ti look ...
Thanks for the replies...this thread made the mainpage "forum topics"
Yes, there are a few good ideas around, but I want something new, not replicate older hacks. Anyway, here is the $---:
-Etch "G4" into the case plastics with alcohol
-Replace front panel with G5-style "egg-holders" molded into place
-Remove speaker, cut into the case and put an LCD there a la
-Mirror Apple logo
Yeah, well, that's it. But I still want more :ebc: