Super Master Create question.

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Super Master Create question.

got one for you guys , along time ago , there was a peice of software titled Super Master Create , it was a collection of different DOS's that the Apple II PLUS or IIe used , it contained , David Dos , Pig-Dos , Hyper-Dos , etc.... there is a file in the directory that lets you read a disk , rip the dos and bsave the file's address , for later use. I can't figure out how to use it in the actual program itself , does anyone remember this program? or for that matter , does anyone have some advice on how to rip the first couple of tracks from disk and use that dos on a fresh 5.25 floppy?



Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: Apr 10 2006 - 20:01
Posts: 1013
Lots of DOS

The name rings a bell - but I can't find it in the usual places (google, asimov).

I notice that asimov has lots of different dos versions in /pub/apple_II/images/masters - David DOS, RDOS, ProDOS, Diversi-DOS, etc. As for ripping, most DOSes will let you boot and then just INIT HELLO a new diskette you put in the drive. That'll put DOS back out to the new disk. (ProDOS is a notable exception here, but most of the rest still had INIT commands.)

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