I have an Apple III, with Profile Hard drive, I rescued from my local computer recyclers back in the summer. Everything works great, with the exception of the Profile Drive. I can not locate the driver for the drive.
Is there anyplace on the web that this driver can be found?
There is plenty of info on the Apple I,II,II+,IIe, and IIGS.
Where is all the support for the Apple III?
I'll assume that you have an SOS boot disk and the utilities disk. If not, images are available from the Asimov site (and elsewhere) though you'll need an Apple II (or lots of imagination if using an Apple III) to create real disks.
From memory, the Profile driver is on the SOS utilities disk. Make a backup of your SOS boot disk and use the utilties to install the Profile driver onto the duplicate. This article may help:
If you get stuck, I have the Apple III Profile installation docs available. WAP is the best source of Apple III information but it is out of date. There is an active project to create a DVD of _all_ useful Apple III resources and software archives. Most support discussion occurs on the Apple III mailing list currently.
Thanks Charlieman, I would like to have a copy of the installation docs for the Profile please.
How does one get on the Apple III mailing list?
The manual will be a problem to copy. I'll have a look this evening to see if there is a way to produce some quick scans.
Apple III email list info from the FAQ below:
To subscribe, send a message to majordomo@altair.com with the text:
subscribe apple3-l
in the body of your message. You'll get info back at that point.