ADT on my new IIgs - Help!

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ADT on my new IIgs - Help!

Hi guys,

As some of you will have already seen, I just picked up (along with a bunch of other stuff) an Apple IIgs, which is now set up on my desk, along with my Color Classic and beige G3. See here for more info:

So, after much tinkering, I've finally gotten MacADT on the G3 to send over the adt.dmp program to the IIgs. However, once it finishes copying to the gs, the gs presents me with a screen with the following options:


My problem is that I have no idea what to do next! Any directions you can provide would be great. BTW, I've got both 5.25" and 3.5" drives hooked up to the machine, and I've got a pile of fresh, blank 5.25" floppies ready to go. I'd really like to make some sort of boot disk for the gs - either ProDOS or DOS 3.3 (I think...), but I don't know how to continue from here...

Thanks for the ideas,


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Re: ADT on my new IIgs - Help!

So, after much tinkering, I've finally gotten MacADT on the G3 to send over the adt.dmp program to the IIgs.

Now that you've done that... how'd you like to do it again? I just updated the ADT project to include MacADT loaded with the latest improvments. One of which is... compatibility with the IIgs serial port. But read on.
My problem is that I have no idea what to do next! Any directions you can provide would be great.

There are some docs and such on the general workings of ADT - i.e.
BTW, I've got both 5.25" and 3.5" drives hooked up to the machine, and I've got a pile of fresh, blank 5.25" floppies ready to go. I'd really like to make some sort of boot disk for the gs - either ProDOS or DOS 3.3 (I think...), but I don't know how to continue from here...

I can send you to RTFM if you want to do everything by hand. But... can you run Java on your G3? If so, you should really check out ADTPro, which covers a bunch of issues you're talking about: tutorials, compatibility with 3.5" disks, bare-metal bootstrapping...

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Posts: 42
I'm trying to run ADTPro on m

I'm trying to run ADTPro on my G3 (and my MacBook Pro, for that matter), but I can't seem to get the .jar program to open. When I double-click the ADTPro - 1.0.1.jar file, the Mac G3 presents me with an error stating that it can't open the file, and asks if I want to use Stuffit to open it up. I've downloaded the Mac Java runtime, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference. Any ideas?



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You don't run the jar, you do

You don't run the jar, you double-click on the adtpro.command file. (You are running OSX on your G3, aren't you?)

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Posts: 42
Nope, the G3 is running OS 9.

Nope, the G3 is running OS 9.2.2 - it's my MacBook Pro that's running OS X (10.4.10).

On the MBP, when I run the adtpro.command file, I was getting the following errors in the Terminal window:

Welcome to Darwin!
Huxleys-Big-Book:~ huxleydunsany$ /Users/huxleydunsany/Desktop/Apple\ II/ADTPro-1.0.1/adtpro.command; exit
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/adtpro/ADTPro
[Process completed]

However, as I was just typing this out, I realized that I've got a space in the name of the folder where everything is being stored on my desktop. I just removed the space, and PRESTO, the ADTPro gui just popped up!

Thanks for your help, and please forgive my extreme-noobishness! Smile


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Re: Nope, the G3 is running OS 9.

Nope, the G3 is running OS 9.2.2

Ok, the ADTPro won't work; you need MacADT for the G3.

However, as I was just typing this out, I realized that I've got a space in the name of the folder where everything is being stored on my desktop. I just removed the space, and PRESTO, the ADTPro gui just popped up!

Someone else found that bug just today. I fixed it (it's a very simple fix in the startup command) and it'll be in the next release. So all you space-having weirdos will be happy. Smile

If you want to fix it yourself, just go to the bottom of adtpro.command, and look for the line (I think it's line 51) that contains:
and change it to read:

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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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So far, so good - I've got ADTPro running on both my MacBook Pro and the IIgs, and I can browse my folder of .DSK files (stored on the MBP) from the IIgs and copy them over to floppies. Here's the odd part: I was able to create a bootable ADT disk without any trouble, and my IIgs is happy to boot from it. However, all the game disks that I'm trying to copy (I have to keep reminding myself not to write 'burn') to 5.25" floppies seem to be corrupted. ADT receives the files just fine, and writes them to freshly-formatted floppy disks, but when I try to boot from those disks (or even just typing CAT to look at the contents), I get an "I/O ERROR" message or a screen full of garbage. I've tried with several different disks from various online sources, with the same results. I've also tried reducing the baud-rate between the two systems, but it doesn't make any difference. Am I missing something crucial here?



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There's a few things that cou

There's a few things that could be going on. Any game you have will likely be DOS-based, not ProDOS, so CAT (from ProDOS) will almost certainly end up with the "I/O ERROR" message. But if every disk you try to boot fails to do so, then something fishy is going on. Maybe we can agree on a disk image to try together?

One thing to note. I have recently found a few game disks that do not 'burn' correctly with ADTPro (under ProDOS) but do 'burn' correctly with ADT (under DOS 3.3). They have some form of light copy protection (I can hear the drive doing strange things when booting...) that doesn't seem to copy correctly using the ADTPro client. Remember, both ADT and ADTPro on the Apple II end can share the same server - you can use either client. So, however unlikely it is - maybe all the game disks you are trying are of this ilk? Do me a favor and burn a copy of ADT133.dsk and see if that'll boot. If so, that'll give you a copy of DOS to try CATALOGs with your other disks.

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Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Well, I followed your advice and created an ADT133.DSK boot disk, and it worked fine - at least that doubly confirms that my drive is able to both read and write. I was also able to re-create one of the game disks, and it too seems to be working fine.

Again, thanks for your help - you've been very generous!


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