1. A SMC ethernet converter from usb to ethernet.......... $8.00 shipped
2. A Micro EN/SC adaptor.goes from SCSI connector on a powerbook to ethernet connector (cat5) AC adaptor included
$10.00 plus shipping $6.00 via USPS priority mail
3. A Dana pocket SCSI adaptor. has a SCSI 25pin and a SCSI port like the powerbooks and it has a Cat5 ethernet connector. It has a ADB cable for power $12.50 shipped
4. A SCSI dock. it has the SCSI connector to plug into the SCSI port on a powerbook and a 25pin connector for plugging in CD-rom drives and so forth, also has a switch for SCSI or Dock. $12.50 shipped
5. Wallstreet add ons. floppy drive for a Wallstreet, Working $12.50 shipped, A wallstreet 20X cd-rom drive working $12.50 shipped, A VST zip drive for the lombard/pismo powerbooks, working $12.50 shipped. PM me0