What did you do on Halloween

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What did you do on Halloween

What the heck,

What creative stuff have you done to celebrate Haloween?

I'm Too old for the trick or treating bit so I thought this might provide some cheap entertainment.


Cease and desist order, here I come....

The Newton glows on!

Gotta show the Newton love Smile

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Sigh..... Not used to BBCode
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Nice work! I forgot to do a

Nice work! I forgot to do a carving this year. No ideas anyway.

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LOL, NEWTON! A friend br


A friend brought a guitar over Halloween night, and I set up my drums in my drive way. We rocked out and were getting song requests from many of the people that came. Surprisingly, nobody called the police. Luckily, we knew most, if not all of the songs requested. Most was Led Zeppelin and Van Halen.

It was fun.

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I'm diggin' the newton pumpkin. That's some nice carving work.

As for what i did on halloween: i went to work, then i went to class; making an effort to not run over any trick-or-treaters on the way.

Oh, and it's spelled 'halloween' Blum 3

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I did same thing.

I did the same thing with the apple logo. I didn't even know you did that also.

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Not much

I gave out candy. While that doesn't seem like much, when I lived at the apartment almost nobody knocked on our door even though there were plenty of kids that lived nearby.

Last year - one trick or treater.
Year before - none.
This year (house) - fifteen. Woohoo!

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We made Pumpkinus Prime
We made Pumpkinus Prime
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I have just one word:

My fiancee is a Transformers fan.. she should like this one.

iDweeb's picture
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'I did the same thing"

Cool. I guessed I wasn't the only crazy one out there Wink

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Pumpkin carving emotional release

IMHO halloween is a great holiday because it can be what ever you want it to be. This includes fantasy role playing and emotional release through artistic expression. I NEEDED the latter.

I was visiting friends in Davis, CA, went got some pumpkins for carving, then went at it. I was stressed and unhappy and full of angst over a dying friend, and I'd been thinking about doing some art projects as a release. I carved the demon in the lower/center of the picture. It helped somewhat.

IMAGE(http://www.applefritter.com/images/Davis Demon)


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Hi Mutant_Pie,
I think you're right that the holiday can be what you want it to be.

If it helps you, then go for it Smile

I wasn't going through what you were this year, but I definitely was going through a lot of stress (still am).

My condolences about your friend. You are both being thought of. I know what it's like to lose a friend. I lost a close one 3 years ago to Cancer.

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for friends including you and others on AF.

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Thanks for the kind words

Thanks for the kind words. Now I can hopefully show the pumpkin picture that I tried to before. . .


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