When the Reliable Becomes Unreliable.

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ILovemacs84's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Sep 20 2006 - 19:12
Posts: 68
When the Reliable Becomes Unreliable.

I have been putting off doing this for a while hoping by some act of God it would stop. As you may have already guessed, it didn't. At least for (maybe not for you) my PowerMac G3 has been very reliable. Well to get to the point, One day I started it up and no extensions were loaded (i am in OS9) and when I reboot the hard drive starts making a weird noise and won't boot. So when I reboot off the OS9 disc to reinstall. And it all went successful. Then it was fine for about a week and then when booting up it would freeze before booting any extension (at least that it showed). At the beginning I would be able to reboot and be fine, but later I would have to zap the PRAM and it may work. Well after a few weeks it wasn't working, I was out of ideas, and was tired of it. So I reinstalled (this time a new install (not overwritten)) on a different partition on my HD. It started having problems immediately and I can't get it to boot (It freezes like before) and my only option left is to present my problem to you guys.
Any help you have will be helpful.

Thank You, Nick.

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 2804
Doing using another, known go

Doing using another, known good, hard drive make a difference? If it was making a weird noise it could be going bad.

madmax_2069's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Sep 24 2005 - 07:28
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Yea, when the HDD starts to m

Yea, when the HDD starts to make weird unexplained noises, that should be taken as a signal to back it up and replace it before it goes south.

i had one HDD i waited to long to back anything up and i lost it all. dont follow the same path i did, and back up what's on the HDD that you want to keep and replace it in a timely fashion (that is if you haven't already made a backup of the things you want to keep), but if its partitioned and you haven't backed up any data yet, now is a good time to do so.

ILovemacs84's picture
Last seen: 14 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Sep 20 2006 - 19:12
Posts: 68
Well, backed up the old HD an

Well, backed up the old HD and put in a new one, but when I try to launch the patched Drive Setup 1.7.3 it gives me a message saying that "the application could not be opened because it can not run on this computer." Any ideas on why this is happening. (oh and i also tried it without the patch and got the same problem).


Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 2804
Why are you using a patched v

Why are you using a patched version on OS 9? FWIK most drive format fine with the included software on the OS 9 disk, or if you have a 3rd party HD util program..

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