iPhoto 5 and OS X 10.4.11 and iMac G3 450mhz and 1gb Ram
I just spent two and half days trying to fix this error. iPhoto worked perfectly until I used Software Update to download OS X 10.4.11. Than I plugged in my digital camera to import some photos. iPhoto said it couldn't import them because they were "unreadable files" and it flagged them.
So I went to Google and Apple and searched everywhere. Apple has a document with the exact error which lists the problem as being hard drive space. The document was absolutely no help at all.
Back to Google and reading all the other reports of this error. I started to feel a little better....misery loves company. But than when I didn't find the answer I was getting pissed.
I downgraded iPhoto to version 2, now my whole library of photos are tagged as "unreadable files" and the thumbnails are just outlines.
Back to Google...on the 6th page or somewhere around there, I found a person that said to check to jpg extension by getting one of the photos from the library and opening it up on Photoshop and resaving it. I thought I could try that but not really a help. I certainly am not going to resave 400 photos!
Well when I opened the photo in Photoshop 7 and resaved it, Photoshop beeped at me and said it coudln't save the preview because of a Quicktime error.
I than went to Software Update and low and behold Apple has posted a security update for Quicktime. My quicktime was updated when I downloaded 10.4.11 but failed to go back to Software Update to see if there were any new updates.
So I downloaded this Quicktime security update and reimported all my photos and they work perfectly as well as importing from my camera and the thumbnails look as they should.
Very happy its fixed but pissed that Apple didn't bother to put this tidbit in the document they have on their website.