Very interesting to say the least.I hacked my audrey with the Infinity hack and am now running QNX and the Voyager browser.
This site is actually not bad "visual wise" in this browser.
Well off to explore more!
Very interesting to say the least.I hacked my audrey with the Infinity hack and am now running QNX and the Voyager browser.
This site is actually not bad "visual wise" in this browser.
Well off to explore more!
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Hey, that's keen.
I was looking a few years ago at the i-Opener - another discontinued net appliance - as a fun toy. Never did buy one, though.
How much power does it draw? Might make a neat portable with a couple batteries strapped to the back
I want one that's powered off of bawls or jolt cola. lol.
I've heard good things about the 3com audrey after you hack it a bit. please keep us informed. I might pickup one depending
What are you using for a stylus? Were you able to source a proper one?
No I haven't found an Audrey stylus yet. I did find a piece of plastic that I shaped on my bench sander into a nice rounded point though. Not pretty but works fine.
I have heard of some of these older machines and was thinking of one before I bought my Pismo, what do they look like.
The name Audrey brings up visions of a sweet 1940's actress that made all the farm boys melt!
Now I remember these! They were supposed to revolutionize the internet, anyone can use them! I remember a TV commercial of a realitively good looking retired white couple checking email from their grandkids. May not have been this exact unit, but something similar.
As for looks, well, that's a cool keyboard!
Thanks for the photo.
Interestingly the person in the photo appears to be a lefty. I think we leftys are like Macs: Often misunderstood, but good at the arts. My art class in high school had 15 kids, 11 were left handed.