using adtpro->IIgs, why would a 1999 G3 PowerBook but not a 2008 MacBook Pro transfer successfully?

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using adtpro->IIgs, why would a 1999 G3 PowerBook but not a 2008 MacBook Pro transfer successfully?

i've successfully transferred disk images using my old PowerBook but when i use the same USB->DB9 adapter on my new MacBook Pro i can't get images to transfer to my IIgs. the weirdest bit is that when i enter "Receive" mode on the IIgs and type the name of the disk image i want to use, the disk image name pops up on the MacBook Pro's adtpro server window and the IIgs moves on to the disk selection screen--but when i select the disk and it starts the copy screen the progress stops at Block 00001 of 0000280. any thoughts?

thanks guys!

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Joined: Feb 9 2006 - 12:41
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OS X version

Which version do you have installed on your laptops? The Java version on Leopard seems to cause problems on my MacBook Pro, but Tiger on my Lombard works fine. I think OS X has some Java permission differences from other platforms, maybe that's part of the problem. Also, what speed do you connect at?


Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
Joined: Apr 12 2008 - 03:43
Posts: 4
os x version, indeed

could very well be the Leopard/Tiger distinction. the old laptop is running the most recent non-Leopard update (10.4.11?) but the new laptop (that seems to be able to connect to the apple IIgs but not successfully transfer) is running Leopard. any fix for that besides waiting it out and seeing if a new java update works?

i tried different connection speeds too. interestingly, 115,200 is the only one that even sort of works on the Leopard laptop. when i try to connect at the slower speeds i don't even get the apple IIgs seeing the files on the laptop.

(and thanks for the link on my other question! that thread is packed with good stuff.)


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What version of ADTPro is the

What version of ADTPro is the non-working one running? There were a couple of fixes that went into 1.0.4 and 1.0.5 that sound similar to your situation. But surely you're running the latest, 1.0.6?

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
Joined: Apr 12 2008 - 03:43
Posts: 4
adtpro 1.0.6 on iigs and laptops

oddly enough, now the one laptop working one laptop not working discrepancy has been leveled--now both laptops work the same, but now they have the same problem: they can't transfer disk images to the apple iigs. the laptops now connect, receive disk images from the apple iigs, and the apple iigs can successfully browse the macbook pro's disk folder.
the problem now--which is the same on both mac laptops and multiple usbserial adapters i've tried--is that when i try to send an image to the iigs it will receive the first 3-5 blocks (it's different every time) pretty fast and then slow down to a stop. very odd since:
1. i'm using disks that i had previously successfully written to
2. i'm using images that had previously worked
3. disk images are transferring completely successfully FROM the iigs to the macbook.

has anyone had any experience with this kind of problem? i've tried at multiple baud speeds (i'm connecting over the modem port). different disks and everything. i thought that maybe it was a problem with the 5.25" drive but the same exact problem happens if i try to make another bootable adtpro disk on the 3.5" drive.


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