problematic ibook.

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Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: Jun 26 2008 - 05:54
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problematic ibook.

ok so heres the problem.

i've got a G3 ibook with mac OSX v 10.2.1 insalled. i want to download a softwear update for the ibook so that i can run a standard photoshop program. i've downloaded OSX v 10.4 from a windows p.c to an external hardrive and then tried to upload it onto the ibook but it doesn't seem to work, it firstly tries to open the program and then tells me it does not have the access codes required then tells me it incountered an error.

i was wondering if anyone has a soloution to this problem or knows a version of photoshop that would work with this model of ibook.

chris501's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: Apr 5 2005 - 04:35
Posts: 232
??? download ??? ahm....

first of all i would NOT download mac os x illegaly. as there is no download version available, it is quite obvious that you downloaded mac os x 10.4 illegaly.

second, try to take a look at local apple shops. maybe they some 10.4 package laying around they couldn't sell, could be you get it for some bucks from them.

third: you should try photoshop 7 or maybe the photoshop cs 1.0 version works as well.

regards, chris

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