The Apple ][ in movies and popular culture

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The Apple ][ in movies and popular culture

The other evening while watching The Thing (1978) I noticed an Apple ][ in one of the scenes (the main hero is playing chess on the computer in an Antartica lab)

I am curious: what other movies has the Apple ][ appeared in?

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movies, tv, Apple ]I[

Movie: 2010, with Roy Schneider on the beach, the"portable" Apple //c

TV series Lost, Desmond enters the five special numbers on an Apple ][+. I posted pictures on this site/discussion group. Do a search to see them.

Movie Tron, Flynn uses an Apple ]I[ to hack into the MCP.

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Apple ]['s in the flicks

I actually thought the LOST television series had a an apple III of all things?! - maybe its my eyes...


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Pirates of Silicon Valley

Surprisingly, it wasn't until about 2 weeks ago that I actually saw that movie for the first time. My friend bought it for me as a gift and when I got it, i couldn't believe it. Cost him $3 with free shipping off of eBay. Anyways, I love the Movie and was bewildered at how inhumane Steve J. was at that time. Downright psychotic, drugs or not, that's a good way to make enemies (and enemies he did make. Scully anyone?)

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BTW I had a minor hand in Pirates of Silicon Valley.

I leased the only Apple ][ to appear in the film to the property master (yes I still own it), the others shown were Apple ][+'s with the "+" covered in brown crayon. He asked me over to tour the sets a few times too.

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One of the Batman movies had

One of the Batman movies had an apple II lab in it.

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Re: The Apple ][ in movies and popular culture

Here are some off the top of my head:

In The Dead Zone (Cronenberg's version), Anthony Zerbe's character walks in on his son using an Apple II+.

In an episode of Simon & Simon, a kid is shown in the introduction using an Apple II+ to dial into a bank's system and conduct illegal transfers.

In Parts: The Clonus Horror, an Apple II or II+ was used for the displays in the command center.

In WarGames, An Apple II or II+ was used with a special interface card to generate the little "GAME TIME REMAINING" display on the WOPR. This is revealed in a letter near the bottom of this page.

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Re: The Apple ][ in movies and popular culture


I thought that the text overlaid on the vision of the terminator in the original terminator movie was a disassembled monitor output from an Apple 2. I watched it the other month and noticed it as it looked familiar. I paused the movie to check, and to me it looked a lot like a disassembled list from the monitor prompt on an Apple 2. Can anyone confirm that?



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Re: Apple ]['s in the flicks

I actually thought the LOST television series had a an apple III of all things?

apple III monitor
monitor stand
apple II

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