FS: Apple IIe, Monitor, Profile Hard Drive, Cards

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FS: Apple IIe, Monitor, Profile Hard Drive, Cards

I've long wanted to set this up and finally did so a few nights back. A complete Apple IIe system that boots off an external Apple Profile hard drive.

The set includes an Apple IIe, an Apple Monochrome Display A2M2010, an 80-column / 64K memory card, a 5.25 drive controller card, a Super Serial card, a rare Apple II Interface card (where the Profile drive attaches to), and a working Apple 5MB Profile external hard drive.

A complete turnkey system that boots ProDos and into the EZDRV menu system installed on the Profile drive (I needed to PR#5 with the interface card inserted in slot 5, so it doesn't boot from the 5.25 drive controller in slot 6). The hard drive has AppleWorks 3.0 installed and has about 80% available space to install other programs. The Super Serial card is handy for transferring files into the system using ADTPro.

I'm asking for $250+shipping (from zip 97124) for the lot. If wanted, I'll throw in an additional non-working 5MB Profile drive that has some cosmetic cracks. The Ready LED on this extra Profile drive does not turn on steady. It could be just a low-level formatting issue, but I couldn't acquire an Apple III to attempt fixing it.

Pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/simplepractices/FSAppleIIeMonitorProfileHardDriveCards#